This piece addresses contemporary attitudes towards the idea of kitsch within the academy and architectural practice.

  • “By engaging with popular tastes, you are going to produce kitsch […]”

  • “maybe kitsch was […] especially about low […] concept or low popular culture, and […] I think that’s why it’s something we really don’t talk about or celebrate…”

  • “[…] there’s an ethical barometer placed around the word ‘kitsch’…”

  • “How do you bring something like ideas about abstraction […] to bear on an environment that is purely about the production of kitsch within the Pinterest board aesthetic?”

  • “[…] we are always having a conversation about taste, but it’s implicit, or it’s implied.”



Griffin Ofiesh

Issue Editors

Joseph Bedford and Curt Gambetta

Senior Editors

Joseph Bedford and Curt Gambetta


Hans Tursack, Yshai Yudekovitz and Paul Ruppert.


Trudy Watt


Joseph Bedford, Curt Gambetta, Mark Acciari, Joanna Grant, and Kevin Pazik.


Andrew Atwood, Laurel Broughton, Tomas Klassnik, Andrew Kovacs, Jimenez Lai, Michael Loverich, Anna Neimark, James Tate and Elly Ward.